Karen and I get to travel some across the state and occasionally we find a great place to eat. If you are ever in Murfreesboro, let me recommend a place called Jeff's. Great southern food, and some wonderful desserts I hear. When in Franklin, you need to check out Barbara's out on Highway 46. The outside of her place looks like a home that would be considered for a World Changers project. But inside, you will find some of the best food around, and the yeast rolls are to die for.
When in Bell Buckle, you've got to check out the Bell Buckle Cafe. The atmosphere and the food are both great. Try the oatmeal cake with carmel sauce. You'll be glad you did. If you are ever in Hohenwald, TN then you need to try the Junk Yard Dog. There motto is "come in for a bite." Another good choice for some small town good eats with an urban restaurant flare.
In Centerville, TN there is a place called the Farmhouse. It is on the court square, and you have to walk through the antique store to get to the restaurant. But the walk is worth it. In the basement several times a year, they have a dinner theater, where plays written by a local writer are performed by the locals. If the taste of the food is any indication of the quality of the plays, then a trip to the home of Minnie Pearl would certainly be worth it.
As you travel along your journey, ask the locals where they eat. and then prepare yourself to enjoy a great meal with plenty of atmosphere. You'll be glad you did.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Journey Continues
For some time now I have considered the possibility of doing something different. I have been at my present vocation for almost 30 years. However, every time I consider this thought, I am reminded of this one fact. There is nothing else I would rather do.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Reception for the Newlyweds
Yesterday was a great day. My wife and I hosted a reception for our daughter and her new husband. They were married in February and this was an opportunity for some of our friends and family to meet my daughter's spouse. I have to say that my daughter looked lovely. I was so proud of her, and she seemed genuinely grateful for all we did.
Friends and family are the best. We had about 13 different people come for the party. Each person was able to show their love and appreciation for the young couple. They received several cards in the mail wishing them the best, and will be able to get several items for their new home with all the cash and gift cards received.
All in all we had a lot of fun. We ended the day eating out with five of our closest friends. We all have been together for about 24 years. No matter where we have been we have always been able to count on these folks. They truly are the best of friends.
I want to take this time to personally wish my daughter and her husband the best. He leaves for Iraq soon, and they will be separated for at least a year, maybe even longer. It is our hope that once his deployment is over, they will be able to reconnect and enjoy their journey together.
Friends and family are the best. We had about 13 different people come for the party. Each person was able to show their love and appreciation for the young couple. They received several cards in the mail wishing them the best, and will be able to get several items for their new home with all the cash and gift cards received.
All in all we had a lot of fun. We ended the day eating out with five of our closest friends. We all have been together for about 24 years. No matter where we have been we have always been able to count on these folks. They truly are the best of friends.
I want to take this time to personally wish my daughter and her husband the best. He leaves for Iraq soon, and they will be separated for at least a year, maybe even longer. It is our hope that once his deployment is over, they will be able to reconnect and enjoy their journey together.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Lunch in Bell Buckle
My wife and I spent the last two days at a conference in Manchester, TN. On our way home today, we made a small detour to a great little place called Bell Buckle, TN. We had lunch at the Bell Buckle Cafe. I had the vegetable plate with greens, beans, corn and strawberry spinach salad. Karen went with the country fried steak, cucumber tomato salad and mac and cheese. We both had fried cornbread and shared a dessert. The dessert was oatmeal cake covered with caramel sauce. The cake was very similar to a cake my grandmother made that Karen used to love.
As you have probably guessed by now, the meal was fantastic. The whole experience was awesome. Even our server gave us a reason to smile. This young lady was waiting tables, going to cosmetology school and MTSU majoring in business. Her plans are to have her own business some day, and after spending just a few minutes with her we both believe she will.
After lunch we walked the town, which did not take long. We met a gentleman that has lived his whole life there who's parents run the best ice cream place in town. Unfortunately we were stuffed, so we will just have to take his word for it. He talked about the festivals at Bell Buckle. The pride of joy of festivals is the Moon Pie and RC festival coming up some time this summer. The gentleman said that about 25,000 people will crowd into this little town and enjoy all the festivities associated with this event that started a few years back when Bell Buckle threw the Moon Pie a 75th birthday party.
Our time in Bell Buckle passed way too fast. After getting directions we headed out agreeing that this sidetrack to our journey was well worth it indeed.
As you have probably guessed by now, the meal was fantastic. The whole experience was awesome. Even our server gave us a reason to smile. This young lady was waiting tables, going to cosmetology school and MTSU majoring in business. Her plans are to have her own business some day, and after spending just a few minutes with her we both believe she will.
After lunch we walked the town, which did not take long. We met a gentleman that has lived his whole life there who's parents run the best ice cream place in town. Unfortunately we were stuffed, so we will just have to take his word for it. He talked about the festivals at Bell Buckle. The pride of joy of festivals is the Moon Pie and RC festival coming up some time this summer. The gentleman said that about 25,000 people will crowd into this little town and enjoy all the festivities associated with this event that started a few years back when Bell Buckle threw the Moon Pie a 75th birthday party.
Our time in Bell Buckle passed way too fast. After getting directions we headed out agreeing that this sidetrack to our journey was well worth it indeed.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Donations Needed for 5K Run/Walk
On May 30, 2009 the Brentwood Campus of the Tennessee Baptist Children's Homes is sponsoring a 5K Run/Walk. This year the event will be a little different. Instead of an entry fee runners/walkers are being challenged to raise support for their efforts. Personally, I hope to raise $1000. In order to do that I need your help. If you are willing to sponsor my walk not run then here is what you need to do. Send your check made out to the Tennessee Baptist Children's Homes to my attention at 1310 Franklin Road, P.O. Box 2206 Brentwood, TN 37024. All donations must be received by May 30th. I made the walk last year, so I know you will be sponsoring a winning effort. Be sure to send your name, address and email address along with your donation. By the way, TBCH is a nonprofit organization, so your gifts are tax deductible. To learn more about this event check out www.tnrun4kids.com.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Here Comes What's His Name
It is always good to see old friends. However, this pleasant experience is not without it's challenges. Have you ever seen someone looking your way smiling as if they know you and yet you don't have a clue who they are? Well, that happens to me more than I would like. This weekend, my wife and I are in Gatlinburg at an event with a lot of people we have met and known over the years. So, there are times when someone walks up to us and I have to confess I know them from somewhere, but certainly can not call their name. But, there is some good news. As you know, at most conventions one of the things you get at registration is a name tag. And again, let the games begin.
Most of these name tags are hung from the neck by a small thin like cord. These cords tend to twist, and most of the time leave the person's name pointing in the wrong direction. Or, the name is pointing right at you, but with age the ability to read the name becomes less of a possibility. And of course, penmanship is a whole other issue. Quite frankly, some people simply have a hard time using a Sharpie and printing their name so that others can read it.
And then, just before you embarrass yourself, the clouds break and the name becomes clear. You stretch out your hand, and with a big smile you call the person by name and begin your conversation.
Most of these name tags are hung from the neck by a small thin like cord. These cords tend to twist, and most of the time leave the person's name pointing in the wrong direction. Or, the name is pointing right at you, but with age the ability to read the name becomes less of a possibility. And of course, penmanship is a whole other issue. Quite frankly, some people simply have a hard time using a Sharpie and printing their name so that others can read it.
And then, just before you embarrass yourself, the clouds break and the name becomes clear. You stretch out your hand, and with a big smile you call the person by name and begin your conversation.
Friday, March 6, 2009
One Year and One Week and Counting
I just finished my first week at work minus three full time staff people. Although there were and will continue to be adjustments, it seems that there is still some hope. As people assume new responsibilities they begin to see things from a new perspective. What once was left for someone else to do, is now taken care of with very little time delay. Those who were not very involved in the past are now stepping up to the plate and making themselves useful. Not everything goes as planned, but even in the best of times that is true.
As I approach my first anniversary at this job, I am amazed at the kind of year it has been. Granted, it would seem on the surface to be a less than stellar. However, it has been a challenging year, and one that has forced me to work hard at doing what is right and leading others to do the same. I would not wish some of the decisions I have had to make on anyone. But I wouldn't want to be any other place.
If you ask me if the journey thus far was what I expected, I guess I would have to tell you no. I really am not sure what I expected, but one thing is for sure, the older I get the fewer surprises there are. Maybe the year has not been mapped out just like I would have drawn it. But, here I am still on the journey and waiting to see what's next.
As I approach my first anniversary at this job, I am amazed at the kind of year it has been. Granted, it would seem on the surface to be a less than stellar. However, it has been a challenging year, and one that has forced me to work hard at doing what is right and leading others to do the same. I would not wish some of the decisions I have had to make on anyone. But I wouldn't want to be any other place.
If you ask me if the journey thus far was what I expected, I guess I would have to tell you no. I really am not sure what I expected, but one thing is for sure, the older I get the fewer surprises there are. Maybe the year has not been mapped out just like I would have drawn it. But, here I am still on the journey and waiting to see what's next.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
House Guests
My wife and I were privileged to have house guests the last two evenings. Two of the young ladies that live on our campus needed a place for a couple of days and we graciously invited them to stay with us. Since we are not a daily part of their lives, it took a little time for everyone to get use to each other. But after awhile everyone seemed to be getting along just fine.
We were reminded throughout their stay how different their lives our compared to children who grow up in their own homes. Things that we take for granted are luxuries for these young ladies. Sitting around a table that seats four instead of ten, sleeping in a bedroom without alarms on the windows or doors, and being just a little more relaxed are just a few of the many notable things that were observed.
Who enjoyed the weekend the most is still up for debate. My wife certainly enjoyed the company, and the privilege of taking care of these young ladies. However, I do believe both of them enjoyed it as well. Now no one is being fooled, if they lived with us for a time, they would be just as bummed out about our rules as they are in the cottages where they live. But for a couple of days it was a joy to be with them and to let them be with us.
As an administrator it is rare that I have the opportunity to get this close to what it is we do here. Having had this experience brought back some fond memories of what it was like some 20 years ago when we took care of children in Texas. It also reminded us of how much we miss having our girls around the house. It is certainly something that we both know we would like to do again.
We were reminded throughout their stay how different their lives our compared to children who grow up in their own homes. Things that we take for granted are luxuries for these young ladies. Sitting around a table that seats four instead of ten, sleeping in a bedroom without alarms on the windows or doors, and being just a little more relaxed are just a few of the many notable things that were observed.
Who enjoyed the weekend the most is still up for debate. My wife certainly enjoyed the company, and the privilege of taking care of these young ladies. However, I do believe both of them enjoyed it as well. Now no one is being fooled, if they lived with us for a time, they would be just as bummed out about our rules as they are in the cottages where they live. But for a couple of days it was a joy to be with them and to let them be with us.
As an administrator it is rare that I have the opportunity to get this close to what it is we do here. Having had this experience brought back some fond memories of what it was like some 20 years ago when we took care of children in Texas. It also reminded us of how much we miss having our girls around the house. It is certainly something that we both know we would like to do again.
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