Saturday, February 28, 2009

House Guests

My wife and I were privileged to have house guests the last two evenings. Two of the young ladies that live on our campus needed a place for a couple of days and we graciously invited them to stay with us. Since we are not a daily part of their lives, it took a little time for everyone to get use to each other. But after awhile everyone seemed to be getting along just fine.

We were reminded throughout their stay how different their lives our compared to children who grow up in their own homes. Things that we take for granted are luxuries for these young ladies. Sitting around a table that seats four instead of ten, sleeping in a bedroom without alarms on the windows or doors, and being just a little more relaxed are just a few of the many notable things that were observed.

Who enjoyed the weekend the most is still up for debate. My wife certainly enjoyed the company, and the privilege of taking care of these young ladies. However, I do believe both of them enjoyed it as well. Now no one is being fooled, if they lived with us for a time, they would be just as bummed out about our rules as they are in the cottages where they live. But for a couple of days it was a joy to be with them and to let them be with us.

As an administrator it is rare that I have the opportunity to get this close to what it is we do here. Having had this experience brought back some fond memories of what it was like some 20 years ago when we took care of children in Texas. It also reminded us of how much we miss having our girls around the house. It is certainly something that we both know we would like to do again.