Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What to Take on the Journey

I once hiked with a friend who was much more prepared for the journey than I was. His backpack was full of useful things for our trip. I felt more safe and secure with him along than anyone that I have ever hiked with. Well almost anyone. I do have one friend that could find his way back from any place, so it would be nice to hike with both of these guys. My friend was prepared for any situation simply because he had the most important items with him.

Aside from all the stuff that you have to take, what really is the most important items to carry with you on the journey?
-Memories from the past. Leaving behind the people who have been so much a part of your present journey is no easy task. However, you carry with you a long list of memories and experiences shared with each one.
-Lessons learned. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results. As you look ahead to the new journey there will be ample time to reflect on the experiences of the past and cultivate all of the lessons learned both postive and negative.
-Contact information. There are some people who will become assests to the progress of the journey no matter their geographical location. Good advice, skill sets and friendships will sometimes cover any distance. They have a way of finding their way back into your life.
-Openness to new ways of doing things. With every journey comes a system to be learned, which includes different methods and different personalities. Having the ability to learn how you fit into that system, and adjusting to new personalities is essential.
-Never forgetting who you are. "Be yourself," is critical advice. The journey only becomes more complicated and less of a joy when you try to be someone you are not. Being stretched and learning new ways of doing things will always be easier when you do them as you.
-Family. The journey is always sweater when it is shared with those you love. Isolation and exclusion are two things that can damage any close relationships. Not having someone to share the journey with can be a very lonely existence.
-Faith. Dependence on a higher power is not only smart it is the right thing to do. Just as surrounding yourself with good people brings about success, so does knowing who to truly depend on in every area of life. Compromising of convictions will soon derail even the best leader.

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