Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Long Pause

I am reminded of a scene from the movie "Driving Miss Daisy" in which Miss Daisy and her driver are on their way to visit relatives. They pull over and spend a leisurely afternoon eating sandwiches and drinking soda. It seemed so peaceful there. A place where time stood still. Unfortunately most of life is nothing like that. Since my last entry a lot of life has past me by. Where did the month of March go? And now April is here with no indications that it will be any slower than the previous month. Perhaps its time for a long pause. Maybe its time to find a place to simply pull over and enjoy the scenery.

Finding ways to enjoy the moment is sometimes difficult to do. Someone ask me the other day what I enjoyed doing for fun. It was hard to come with an appropriate response. I do enjoy walking, which I do mainly for exercise. Sometimes I walk simply to clear my head and think through things. Hobbies have never really been a part of my life. I enjoy a number of activities, but have never really adopted one as my own. Maybe that should be a side road to my journey, finding something that I enjoy doing and making it a point to participate in doing it more often.

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