Friday, June 13, 2008

Poison Ivy and Good Friends

About thirty-three years ago, me and some of my buddies camped out in the woods. Little did I know that I made my bed for the evening in a very large patch of poison ivy. Needless to say, the next week or so of my life was miserable. I remember laying on the couch with cold compresses covering the large whelps and blisters.

For the last thirty-three years every time I get into more poison ivy I can't help but think about that time. This week was no exception. The staff and I spent some time this week cleaning up around our campus. Although my intentions were to not get into any poison ivy, it simply was not to be. Fortunately, this time I did not wait until it got out of hand, but went to the doctor the next day. The itching is not as bad, and the patches on my arms don't look as bad as they have in the past. Most importantly, it has not progressed to my eyes and fingers like before.

The moral of this story is simple. Every time you work in or around poison ivy you will break out and need medical attention. Of course that is only true for those of us who are highly allergic to the stuff. But as is so often the truth there is a silver lining in every rain cloud. It causes me to remember the best club house ever and some pretty cool friends. Just another part of the journey that makes me smile.

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