Sunday, October 19, 2008

What Happened to Being Philanthropic?

Philanthropy is defined by Webster as goodwill to fellowmen ; especially : active effort to promote human welfare. How does the idea of philanthropy differ from the "spread your wealth" mentality that has surfaced over the last several weeks? Very simply, one is out of the goodness of your heart, and the other is imposed on you by forces outside yourself. Rendering unto Casar what is Casar's is not the problem. The problem is taking what is mine against my will and giving to causes that are not in any way consistent with what I value or believe. In 2006 the good people of this country gave over $300 billion to charities. Left up to us, we will meet the needs of our fellow human beings. Now is not the time to force us to take what little is left after taxes and redistribute it so that, "we can even the playing field." There has never been nor will there ever be an even playing field. What gripes me the most is the very ones that talk about doing such as this want for nothing. There is enough discretionary income in this country to do more than we than we ever thought imaginable. Leave my money alone, and let me decide where to best put it. Most nonprofit, nongovernmental agencies are far better managers and produce much better results than any government run program out there.

As you travel this journey, look for worthy causes to invest your extra income. Take time to find out what you are interested in and dig deep to meet those needs. Nonprofits are in constant need of finances and volunteers to help do what they are called to do. Don't stand for those who would take what you have and do with what they want. Take what you have and do with it what you want. Invest in the lives of those less fortunate through people you know and trust. Most of us can give more than we think. So let's do it by our own volition, and not by the manipulations of the socialist politicians of our day.


Bill Stanley said...

Good thoughts. The spread your wealth mentality is what finally took me "off the fence" if you will regarding the 2008 election. If I make $100, I want to have the right to give all $100 of it away to people who need it and in many ways deserve it. I do not want the government taking my $100 and giving it to Ben the crack addict down the street that won't work and contribute to society. That sounds harsh and anyone who knows me know just how philanthropic I am, but that is what I feel about spread the wealth.

Good post Kel!

Bill Stanley said...

OH, BTW - I'm a worthy non-profit. LOL!

Kelly said...

Please share with me where to send such a contribution. I know I would like to be a small part and others might be interested as well.