Thursday, October 9, 2008

What Teeth and Toes Have in Common

I read an ancient proverb today. Here is what it said, "Like a bad tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble." Two of the most annoying pains in the world come from a bad tooth or a hurt toe. Grown men and women are known to cry over both. It effects almost everything we do. We are preoccupied with the pain and our need for relief. Neither the toe or the tooth are reliable in times like these. I believe the same could be said of the unfaithful things in life as well. Perhaps the lack of trust one might have in an unfaithful spouse, or the lack of confidence in an unfaithful employee. What about the unfaithful men and women who represent our republic? How reliable are they to solve the present crisis or any crisis for that matter. In our present situation voting is not an option, it is essential. And for those of you who are followers of Christ, remember how unhealthy it is to put much faith in anyone or anything other than Him. So as you continue on this journey, make sure you stop by your voting booth and make your voice heard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said, brother!